Every month, The Groundbreakers puts an inspiring initiative, product or company in the spotlight. By sharing knowledge and inspiration, we want to stimulate sustainable developments and hope to contribute to the greening of business. This time the article is about Bambook: a Dutch company that offers erasable notebooks to combat deforestation and paper waste.

Reusable as a new standard

Bambook is an erasable notebook in which you can write endlessly. With the accompanying marker you can, as it were, write on a whiteboard. The notes are easy to edit or erase with water. The more often and longer you use the notebook, the more paper is saved. Bambook therefore believes that reuse should be the new standard.

Local and handmade

Bambook is made in the Netherlands by hand by people who are at a distance from the labor market. This happens in a sheltered workshop in Ede. Purchasing a Bambook therefore not only has a sustainable aspect but also has a positive impact on a social level. The erasable notebooks are then delivered to your home as sustainably as possible by the Bicycle Courier.

Combating deforestation

The company wants to combat deforestation for single-use paper. Bambook contributes to this by planting a tree in Madagascar for every product sold. As we write this article, the counter already stands at no fewer than 862,958 trees planted. Bambook's goal is to plant 1 million trees by 2025.

Review of The Groundbreakers

The Groundbreakers team has been using a Bambook notebook for a year and a half to take notes or sketches during meetings. We are very happy and satisfied with the erasable notebooks. Because the notes can be deleted, you can easily create and keep an overview. Something that is important to us as a creative agency in which multiple projects are produced simultaneously.

Would you like to know more about Bambook or order an erasable notebook yourself? Then go to the website.