+123 456 678 890 info@mysite.com Main street 12

We are The Groundbreakers, brand experience agency for unique events and activations.

The Groundbreakers invents and produces distinctive events and activations for brands looking to stand out and make a positive impact. We prefer to go off the beaten path and create experiences that extend beyond the moment itself.


The Groundbreakers is a full-service brand experience agency with in-house expertise in strategy, creative development, design, project management, and production. For nearly 20 years, our agency has been known for its groundbreaking creativity, sustainable working methods, and experience with events in public spaces.  

Strategy & creation

Distinctive concepts are the foundation of our work. We bring brands to life in a unique concept that fits perfectly with the brand identity, target group and objectives. The concepts we develop are brand experiences that attract attention, surprise and activate the target group.


We develop brand activations and events in-house, which enables us to produce them to our sustainable standards and in perfect detail. Nothing is impossible - we prefer to go off the beaten path.


Our brand experiences extend beyond the moment itself. We bring your story to the attention online and offline and always provide strong copy and top notch visuals.

Brand experiences in the most sustainable way.

The Groundbreakers contributes to a greener world by developing its events and brand activations as sustainably as possible. From the beginning to the end of our workflow, we make conscious choices to minimize negative impacts. We measure and reduce our carbon footprint, utilize sustainable materials for the development of decor elements, and always seek opportunities within projects to make local or societal positive impact.


We develop brand experiences in-house, giving us clear visibility into the entire production process, which we continuously optimize. Our office operates as carbon positive, and step by step, we are working to further reduce our emissions at events. Additionally, we actively contribute to the greening of the events industry by sharing knowledge and collaborating with sustainable suppliers. In 2023, The Groundbreakers won the first Golden Giraffe for the most sustainable event in the Netherlands.

The Groundbreakers creates and produces outstanding brand activations.

Our green brand experiences are effective and always aimed at achieving marketing and communication objectives. Creativity, interaction and experience are crucial ingredients for our work. The Groundbreakers brings the story and identity of brands to life in unique concepts.

Make an impact together? Get in touch with us!

Meet The Groundbreakers

We are a full-service brand experience agency with creatives, designers, project managers, and producers. The Groundbreakers had nearly 20 years of experience in the events industry and are known for their groundbreaking creativity, sustainable working method, , and experience with events in public spaces. Our team consists of professionals with a shared enthusiasm for creating extraordinary experiences in the most sustainable way.


Nathalie Grotenhuis
Nathalie GrotenhuisGVB
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“Complete ontzorging. Professioneel. Snel schakelen. Alles onder controle. Tot in de kleinste details verzorgd. Altijd going the extra mile. En geen verrassingen achteraf!”
Joost Nagtzaam
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“The Groundbreakers heeft met veel creativiteit een zwaar onderwerp als dementie getransformeerd naar een lichte en uitnodigende eventsetting. De samenwerking was zeer soepel door de snelle interactie maar bovenal inspirerend”
Tessa Morsink
Tessa MorsinkNeinver
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“The Groundbreakers luistert goed naar de behoefte van het merk en ze komen iedere keer weer met een innovatief concept of idee! Helder in communicatie, altijd op tijd en binnen budget”
Janine Bosma
Janine BosmaZorginstituut Nederland
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“Met de creatieve inbreng en ondersteuning van The Groundbreakers is het ons gelukt om landelijk aandacht te krijgen voor psychosociale gevolgen van ernstige lichamelijke ziekten!”

Get in touch

Make an impact together? Get in touch with us!

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Fort de Batterijen