Every month, The Groundbreakers puts an inspiring initiative, product or company in the spotlight. By sharing knowledge and inspiration, we want to stimulate sustainable developments and we hope to contribute to the greening of the business community. This time we would like to highlight Product for Product. Our go-to webshop for recycled and recyclable office supplies.

A more sustainable office is that easy

Product for Product is a webshop and wholesaler of recycled and recyclable office supplies. Just like any other webshop, the webshop is a one-stop-shop for all office supplies, with the big difference that they also offer more sustainable versions of all regular office supplies. The products that are sold are, where applicable, also provided with an environmental label. Product for Product finds out which products are really sustainable, ecological or fair, so that companies do not have to do this themselves. And that saves time that we can spend on other things!

Product for Product stands for a better world and focuses on circularity. Fortunately, nowadays a lot of attention is paid to recycling. It is of great importance that these recycled products are also purchased again and that there is therefore a continuing demand for them. In this way, the webshop tries to maintain the circle.

Shop at Product for Product

During your search for office supplies, you can choose directly from each category to view only the sustainable products of that category. However, you can also filter more specifically and choose from various options such as: attention to the environment, CO2 neutral, compostable, FSC quality mark, etc. This makes the choice for a sustainable product very easy. Are you stuck? Feel free to call for purchase advice, because this shop is very customer-friendly and is happy to tell you more about the more sustainable options they offer.

Attention for each other

Product for Product is therefore happy to contribute to making the world a better place. In addition to the webshop, they are also open to collaborative projects. At the beginning of 2021, for example, they started a project with Interall Group and Good Plastic Company to melt disposable mouth caps into laptop stands and bookends. Another example of a fruitful collaboration is with aid organization ZOA. This concerns an afforestation project in Ethiopia. Together with local residents from the Jewi refugee camp in Gambella, trees are being planted in an exhausted nature reserve to create a future for these people by, among other things, creating employment. In this way the CO2 emissions are also directly compensated.

Product for Product stands for a better world and focuses on circularity

Do you want to know more about Product for Product? Then go to https://www.productforproduct.nl/.