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At Amsterdamse Poort, the Hindu festival Holi Phagwa was celebrated with great enthusiasm. The Groundbreakers built a Holi Walk-In on Bijlmerplein where everyone could sprinkle each other with colored powder in a reverse car wash setup. The event was a huge success and brought smiles to many faces. People danced to the music of various local artists and sprinkled powder in all the colors of the rainbow. To keep the energy levels up, delicious bara's were sold from a food truck. It was a true celebration of colors that people of all ages could enjoy.

Media such as FunX, AT5, and NH Radio came to the human car wash and even district chairman Tanja Jadnanansing was enthusiastic. White T-shirts were sold for a symbolic price at the walk-in, with proceeds fully donated to the Fonds voor Zuidoost. This way, your own shirt doesn't get covered in color powder and you immediately contribute to the community! It was a festive day where everyone came together in Amsterdamse Poort to celebrate and enjoy Holi Phagwa.
