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Traveling by train to school, work, or for a day out is a normal part of life for many people. However, for those with a mild intellectual disability, traveling by train often causes stress or problems. In the Netherlands, over a million people have a mild intellectual disability and experience difficulties when traveling by train. Sudden changes in the schedule or sensory overload from noise are examples that can cause additional stress for these individuals. Fortunately, NS developed the TrainTrainPackage to make traveling a bit easier and more enjoyable for these individuals. The launch event of this package was organized by The Groundbreakers at a fitting location, the Railway Museum. The day was filled with activities for and by the target audience, a delicious lunch, and inspirational sessions with guest speaker Princess Laurentien were part of the program. The successful event was presented by Tooske Ragas, where the target audience received the TrainTrainPackage from NS top executive, Wouter Koolmees. Making train travel more accessible for people with disabilities through the TrainTrainPackage is an important step that contributes to the freedom and inclusion of this group.
