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Each day, 11. 000 bottles (!) end up being trash at Utrecht Central Station. Fortunately, from now on there are deposit vending machines where you can hand in your plastic bottle. You can donate your deposit to the Plastic Soup Foundation or receive the deposit directly into your bank account with Tikkie.

NS asked The Groundbreakers to organize the opening of- and activation around the first deposit vending machine. By pushing the bottlecap-button, the curtain made of recycled train material fell down, unveiling the first deposit vending machine at the station. Stakeholders handed in the first plastic bottles, interviews were given to the media and the deposit vending machines were ready to be used for everyone!

To make this huge impact visible and to activate the new deposit vending machines, we create waste pile in the central hall of the station. These big bags contained the exact amount of plastic bottles thrown away daily only on this station. Enthusiastic hosts at the setting informed travelers about the new deposit vending machines. This activation attracted the attention of thousands of passers-by and was picked up many times by the media in their news items, for example this item from NOS. After the successful event at Utrecht Central Station, other train stations followed. Such as The Hague CS, Amsterdam CS, Rotterdam CS and Eindhoven CS. NS has the intention to create deposit vending machines at fifty train stations.
