The largest climate action in the Netherlands will take place on Friday 11 February: Warm Sweater Day. The Groundbreakers participates in this national initiative of the Netherlands Climate Alliance and calls on everyone to participate in the energy-saving campaign. Participating is simple: put on a warm sweater and turn down the heating in your (home) office. In other words: warm yourself, not the world!

Origin Warm Sweater Day

Every year in February, the national Warm Sweater Day takes place around the day on which the Kyoto Protocol came into effect in 2005. The Kyoto Protocol aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, which lead to climate change. The Warm Sweater Day reminds the Dutch of the agreements of the treaty. Saving energy is one of the keys to achieving the climate targets set.

Positive impact

By turning down the heating on Warm Sweater Day, no less than 6% energy and CO2 are saved per degree. No matter how small the savings may seem, as soon as more people are involved, we make the difference. If the whole of the Netherlands lowers the heating by one degree on this day, we will save 6.3 million kilos of CO2 together! Together we have a positive impact and that is what Warm Sweater Day stands for.

Energy saving

In the Climate Act, the Netherlands has set itself the target of no longer using energy facilities that emit CO2 by 2050. With the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy supplies, energy saving is of great importance.

“Climate change is a crisis of gigantic proportions, which we must tackle together, leaving no stone unturned. Energy saving deserves much more attention and effort, because with it we break the current trend of increasing consumption and prevent polluting emissions” – Petra Lettink, director of the Climate Association Netherlands

Warm Sweater Day is a concrete implementation of CSR policy; climate gains are achieved with a financial cost reduction. In this way we create joint support for energy saving.

Participate & information

For registration or more information about Warm Sweater Day, go to the website. Do you want to know what kind of climate type you are? Do it then Read the climate test.