The Groundbreakers has recently joined the largest sustainable business network in our country: MVO Nederland. MVO Nederland is a network organization with a clear vision, a vision that we as a green brand activation agency share with them. By being part of MVO Nederland, we can seek new collaborations, gain and share knowledge and be inspired in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. To make the world a bit more beautiful and greener together.


It is now clear that we cannot continue to live the way we do now. Raw materials are running out, plant and animal species are threatened with extinction, human rights are being violated and the climate is confused. All aspects that can be scaled under the term Corporate Social Responsibility. Fortunately, there are more and more initiatives and organizations that are committed to tackling these kinds of issues. One of these is MVO Nederland: the network organization that helps companies with efficient and effective sustainability. All summarized in the vision of future-proof business in the new economy.


MVO Nederland has developed 7 agenda items. If you as a company take these agenda items into account, the new economy is one step closer.

  1. New wealth
    Get rid of the system that focuses on financial profit. As a company, strive not only for increasing turnover figures, but also for more nature, better public health or less loneliness. Make sure positive societal impact is on par with financial growth.
  2. Real prices
    Include pollution in the prices of goods and services, because if pollution becomes more expensive, it will be more attractive to purchase in a climate-friendly manner. Make the polluter pay.
  3. Transparent chains
    It is often difficult to extend the sustainability in your company to your suppliers, but it is necessary if you want to be able to call your product or service sustainable. That is why honest chains, without abuse in factories and on plantations, are an absolute necessity.
  4. Inclusive entrepreneurship
    A society consists of the most diverse types and it is strange that you do not see this reflected to the same extent in an average management team. Time to do something about that.
  5. Green energy
    We are lagging far behind in the energy transition in the Netherlands: only 6% of energy is now generated from renewable sources and this needs to change quickly.
  6. Biodiversity
    When an ecosystem with many different species of plants and animals is in balance, it is a valuable resource. It provides clean water, fresh air and food. Awareness about this theme is desperately needed. 
  7. Circular economy
    In the new economy, raw materials have eternal life. The things that one person no longer needs can go to another who can use them well. And when the product is finished, the used raw materials are recovered. Then the circle is complete. Day waste levy, day depletion of raw materials stocks.

We are proud to be a partner of CSR Netherlands. Do you want to know more about this organization? Then check out: